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On this page, you can find the tablature to all the tracks of the album. In addition to the notes, you have the right-hand fingering and the name of the chords for the accompaniment, for example for the rhythm guitar. For some of the left-hand positions, I leave it to everyone to find the correct one because it is sometimes easier to place two fingers (or three) side by side than to make a Barré. Also, depending on the gaps and on the ambitus of the hand and its dexterity, it is sometimes better to use the ring finger than the little finger, etc. So, I leave it up to everyone to decide which fingers to use on the left hand, knowing that the rule is: the best position is the one that seems the most natural and the least "acrobatic".
A night in Paris
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Back to Bach
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Banjo in the moon
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Bicycle ride
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Gimme a pint
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Old Joe Clark
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On the way to Galway
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Paul's breakdown
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Paul's reel
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Speed up Cowboy
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Swinging banjo
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Thank you, Carl!
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All 12 tabs for 9,99 $
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